Sunday, May 13, 2012


I have hit a cross road in my life.  Things are changing for me everyday and I’m not so sure if it’s all for the better yet.  I know that I just need to keep moving forward.

I know what I want to do in life, but part of me has always been afraid to go there, to try to do what my heart longs for most.  I have started to take a step into that direction though, and it’s a scary thing for me.  I started a music project with a friend of mine and I’m really excited to get that off the ground.  I’ve been working on lyrics and hooks and all that good stuff so hopefully we’ll get something going soon.  I’ve also been asked to collaborate on another music project so we’ll see how that goes as well.  Every night when I close my eyes I see myself up on that stage, maybe one day that dream will come true, because I’m making the effort now.

I’ve been working on my art too, getting my portfolio together for something exciting; it’s almost to where I want it to be.  I think I’m going to spend the next two days just drawing and building it up a bit more.  I still have a few pages to fill.

Then there are other things I just don’t feel like getting into just yet, but I’m sure it will come out eventually.

Today’s mother’s day.  We’re going out to the diner to eat later.  Nothing fancy or anything, I hope that we can get along for at least today.  I got her the tea infuser mug that she wanted to hopefully that keeps her in a good mood and my brother doesn’t do anything to piss her off either.

Wish me luck.  I think I need a drink…

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I'm too lazy to type, and I should be doing school work.  No actually I should be sleeping being that I have to be at the back doctor later and I need to be up in a few hours.  Yeah, oh insomnia my dear, dear friend.

Anyway I leave you with a video of me rambling about things that I was going to ramble about here, but then got to lazy to type.  Well that and I wanted to play with the camera on my iMac.  Oh I don't have any make-up or anything on so I apologize in advance for that.