Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I'm too lazy to type, and I should be doing school work.  No actually I should be sleeping being that I have to be at the back doctor later and I need to be up in a few hours.  Yeah, oh insomnia my dear, dear friend.

Anyway I leave you with a video of me rambling about things that I was going to ramble about here, but then got to lazy to type.  Well that and I wanted to play with the camera on my iMac.  Oh I don't have any make-up or anything on so I apologize in advance for that.

I am also going to leave you with one more video of my brother using the box for my iMac as a foot rest when he was sitting in the recliner. Bahaha.  What are sisters for if not to post shit like on on the internet?

Oh it's May now by the way.  I always get screwed up when we change months and years and days...

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