Sunday, October 21, 2012


To all of you who watched this piece take like and thought that I was going to be keeping it innocently sweet; don't you know me at all?

Here’s my finished Bloody Beauty and Beast.  I think it game out rather good, actually.  I messed it a bit sure, but hey; I’m not a Disney animator nor do I claim to be.  This piece is done in marker and inks, for more information visit my deviantART.

I was feeling a bit nostalgic the other day, and I started this piece while watching Are You Afraid of the Dark? and I was like hey, let's draw Belle and Beast.  Why?  I'm not really sure.  I had been wanted to do something with them for a while for no reason at all really.  So I started drawing and since it's October I thought it fitting to bloody them up a bit.  I think they're cuter this way.

Speaking of Are You Afraid of the Dark? iTunes currently has some of the seasons that they are offering on sale for around $6; which is less than a dollar an episode.  Each package has 7 of them.  So I was sure to swipe them all.  This was my favorite Nickelodeon show when I was a kid.  They need to have more shows like it back on the air, or re-run them since it is Halloween season and the perfect time for it to be in re-syndication.

I miss Salute Your Shorts (which is also on iTunes currently), Legends of the Hidden Temple, Rugrats, AHHHH! Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Clarissa Explains it All; kids today really have no idea what good TV is.

Since this is somewhat and art blog and since there's an episode of Are You Afraid of The Dark? revolving around an unfinished painting; I found hunted the episode down on youtube for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy, because after all you never know when inspiration is going to come. ;]

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