So let us talk about my newest time occupying obsession,
Tiny Tower. I downloaded this game yesterday after hearing much about it and now I can't stop playing. In one day I've made my tower grow to 16 floors [I've almost got enough coins to start my seventeenth, I'm just waiting for the right coin cushion you know.] and I can't stop playing.
For example, today I had physical therapy [I've had knee surgery you know] and when I should have been getting ready all I could do was play Tiny Tower; and now I'm playing Tiny Tower while blogging about Tiny Tower. Do you see the problem here? Oh! My bowling alley is ready to be restocked! ^_^
Want to see my Tiny Tower? Of course you do!
I really don't know why I'm so addicted to this game, really I shouldn't be; really no one should but I just can't help myself. It reminds me a lot of a game I used to play with my brother back when PlayStation1 was new I would play this game called Top Shop and it was pretty much just like this, though more like monopoly but it was the same basic premise. Your game board is a mall and you go around opening stores and such. I was addicted to that as well.
Well enough rambling from me, I'm back to playing Tiny Tower. ^_^