Sunday, January 22, 2012


See the completed image at my deviantART here.

Cristina is one of my favorite vocalists, being a vocalist myself I get my voice compared to hers a lot actually.  I consider that a great compliment, being that her voice is amazing.

Seeing that the new Lacuna Coil album is being release on Tuesday I thought it would be fitting to do a drawing of this lovely lady.  I hope you enjoy! ^_^

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Some of you may or may not know this about me, but I write.  I write a lot.  For the past two years I've participated in a program called NaNoWriMO and for the past two years I've failed miserably.  I always start off strong and way ahead and then that little thing called life catches up with me and I forget about my novel.  This past year I did end up writing more than I did the year before, so I considered that a win. Hopefully this year  I'll write more than I did last year and maybe in a few years I'll reach the 50,000 word goal.

Anyway I decided to post the first chapters of the novels I started over at my Fiction Press.  Last year's story was entitled Polished Glass and the previous year's was called Sometimes Bad Dreams Can Be Really Good For You.  Both are horror/suspense stories and I'm really happy with the one I attempted this past November. I'm going to post up the rest of what I have written for those two stories up there when I have time, but for now I though it might interest you.

I've always wanted to write a book, maybe I'll finish one before I die.  Oh! & Their cover art too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


So let us talk about my newest time occupying obsession, Tiny Tower.  I downloaded this game yesterday after hearing much about it and now I can't stop playing.  In one day I've made my tower grow to 16 floors [I've almost got enough coins to start my seventeenth, I'm just waiting for the right coin cushion you know.] and I can't stop playing.

For example, today I had physical therapy [I've had knee surgery you know] and when I should have been getting ready all I could do was play Tiny Tower; and now I'm playing Tiny Tower while blogging about Tiny Tower.   Do you see the problem here? Oh! My bowling alley is ready to be restocked! ^_^

Want to see my Tiny Tower?  Of course you do!

I really don't know why I'm so addicted to this game, really I shouldn't be; really no one should but I just can't help myself.  It reminds me a lot of a game I used to play with my brother back when PlayStation1 was  new I would play this game called Top Shop and it was pretty much just like this, though more like monopoly but it was the same basic premise.  Your game board is a mall and you go around opening stores and such.  I was addicted to that as well.

Well enough rambling from me, I'm back to playing Tiny Tower. ^_^

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Anyone who knows me knows that I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns of the purple variety.   I have purple unicorn pillow pets [the big and mini one], key chains, blankets, etc.  It's really sick actually.  My best friend and I even started a Facebook fan page for purple unicorns [which you should go and like. You can check it out here. ^_^].  Though it may be extremely unhealthy it makes me extremely happy.  So I could care less.

So bring on the purple unicorns!  Oh, and rainbows too! ;]

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There is something about creating that sparks something within.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament."

~Oscar Wilde

Monday, January 9, 2012


There is something about a late night drive that is completely peaceful.  The lights.  The silence.  The solitude or the company.  There is something about a late night drive that is good for the soul.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Once upon a time, in a fantastical world filled with darkness and despair lived a girl. This girl though overly hit with tragedy was filled with determination. She knew that there was more to this life. She knew there was more to live for. That there was something bigger for her than this world she felt trapped in.

She had talent and wit beyond measure. She had the ability to see the beauty around here, even when others could not. Others though, however, could see these talents inside of her. Put off that they did not possess these talents themselves they conspired to hold the girl in their world. They did all that they could to bring her down, to make her feel as though she was not meant for their world, and that nothing would become of her.

Though sometimes their hurtful words and horrid actions would get to her, they only really truly made her see that she didn't belong their. Determined she packed up her bags and made it towards the forest that separated this world from the next.

The forest was dark, and even more despair and hopelessness waited for her there. But she knew that once she was on the other side things would be better for her. That if she fought hard enough she would find her destiny. That she would be where she was meant to be. The she would be who she was destined to be.
She was ready to take on the world.