Sunday, October 21, 2012


To all of you who watched this piece take like and thought that I was going to be keeping it innocently sweet; don't you know me at all?

Here’s my finished Bloody Beauty and Beast.  I think it game out rather good, actually.  I messed it a bit sure, but hey; I’m not a Disney animator nor do I claim to be.  This piece is done in marker and inks, for more information visit my deviantART.

I was feeling a bit nostalgic the other day, and I started this piece while watching Are You Afraid of the Dark? and I was like hey, let's draw Belle and Beast.  Why?  I'm not really sure.  I had been wanted to do something with them for a while for no reason at all really.  So I started drawing and since it's October I thought it fitting to bloody them up a bit.  I think they're cuter this way.

Speaking of Are You Afraid of the Dark? iTunes currently has some of the seasons that they are offering on sale for around $6; which is less than a dollar an episode.  Each package has 7 of them.  So I was sure to swipe them all.  This was my favorite Nickelodeon show when I was a kid.  They need to have more shows like it back on the air, or re-run them since it is Halloween season and the perfect time for it to be in re-syndication.

I miss Salute Your Shorts (which is also on iTunes currently), Legends of the Hidden Temple, Rugrats, AHHHH! Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Clarissa Explains it All; kids today really have no idea what good TV is.

Since this is somewhat and art blog and since there's an episode of Are You Afraid of The Dark? revolving around an unfinished painting; I found hunted the episode down on youtube for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy, because after all you never know when inspiration is going to come. ;]

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I have never been one to consider myself a gamer.  I enjoy games, though I am not very good at them.  We have always been big tabletop game players in my family.  It started when I was younger.  I have fond memories of my Nanny teaching me how to play poker for pennies, my grandfather teaching me how to be a card shark, and my uncle was always a big 21 guy.  We would play a lot of Trivial Pursuit and other games of the like (my mother’s way of trying to make learning fun or just sneak learning into fun time), but my favorite was always Pictionary.  Surprise, surprise. 

Over the years I have branched out from board and card games and got into the more electronic side of gaming.  Hey, I love playing Left 4 Dead and shooting zombies and chopping off zombies heads as a chainsaw wielding cheerleader in Lollipop Chainsaw (I really like zombies), and I recently thoroughly enjoyed throwing myself back into the twisted wonderland of Alice Madness Returns and the steampunk aristocracy of Dishonored.  I happen to be a terrible video gamer though.  I get overly excited and before I know it my character is looking the complete opposite way of that in which it is moving.  I’m a fail.  Though I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my brother as I play and jump a bit into his world.

Tabletop games, however, will always be my favorite.  Halloween is around the corner and there are so many great tabletop games that you can play that help you get into the Halloween spirit.  You can try to survive the zombie apocalypse in Last Night on Earth, or even try to cure a disease epidemic in Pandemic!  My favorite and probably one of the darker games is Gloom (I know I have talked about this game before but I’m doing it again damn it).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So let us take a minuet to story tell for a moment.  Saturday, some dickhead snuck into the backroom at my store and stole my phone and all of $4 that I had in my wallet, and my co-workers phone as well.  Apparently there is a phone stealing ring operating at the mall that I work at, because when I went to the AT&T booth in the food court to turn off my phone after I realized that it was gone they had told me that just the week before two girls had gotten their phones stollen as well.  Another mall employee came into the store later that day and told us that her phone was stolen too.

So apparently when I got my phone they fucked up my whole insurance thing.  Instead of giving me the Apple care and the regular insurance like I wanted they just gave me the Apple Care.  So after I was on the phone with customer service for like ever I finally got them to push my upgrade, but my phone won't even be shipping out for another 2 weeks.  They told me to get get a cheap burner phone and they'd put my number on a sim card and I could just use that until my phone comes in, that they would have it sent to them because basically I live at the mall and it would just make my life a bit easier.  So long story short the freaking simjawn isn't working and I've been too upset/fustrated to go and fix it.  I don't like not having a phone, it's just I'm too depressed over everything that's happened and just unmotivated to get this crap phone set up.


So if you need to contact me, social media is the way to go.  I promise to let you know when I have my phone back.

I just feel so violated.  I need to get out of the mall.  Anyone know anyplace looking for a cute pink haired bartender?  I'm a great bartender and I'm TIPS certified.  True story.

I started this piece awhile back and I had been staring at it's unfinished form for a few weeks. Today was the day I decided that I was going to finish this gem. I figured focusing on art would help to keep my mind off of the other things that are plaguing me at the moment.

I have a bad boy complex, and I have always loved Loki. I always tend to route for the bad guy. Someone has to, right? #teamvoldemort

Song of the moment: