Monday, March 19, 2012


 Let's talk Hunger Games!

Two of the youtubers that I'm subscribed to game up with a Hunger Games tag.  I was going to make a video response but then I got lazy and decided that I would just answer the questions.  If you'd like to make a video response then you can check out the tag videos!

Here are the links for:  Part One & Part Two 

There are spoilers in my answers to these questions so if you haven't read the books then walk away now, if you don't give a flying fuck then continue on.

1. What is your favorite book in The Hunger Games trilogy?
I would have to say the first book, The Hunger Games, but I enjoyed all three.

2. How long would you last in the Hunger Games?
Well given my currently spinal and knee problems not long at all, but I would live in the Capitol so I really wouldn't have to worry about that.

3. What is the strangest thing you thought was going to happen in the books?
That's a good question.  So how I always knew when reading the first one that Katniss and Peeta were going to end up back in the arena, so I'm sure some people that that was strange or shocking.  But honestly I kind of predicted a lot of the things that were going to happen so nothing really caught me off guard.

4. How were you introduced to the Hunger Games?
The internet, the book store.  My nook likes to tell me books that I might like, they were on the list and I just ate them up.

5. Favorite moment that happens in Hunger Games?
I don't particularly have a favorite moment.  Maybe when Katniss goes after Peeta after they announce that they both can win, if they're left together.  I had fun imaging what it looked like when she finally found him all camouflaged in the mud and stuff.

6. Favorite Villain?
I always kind of saw the President from District 13 as a villain, and she was but she seriously pissed me off.  So my favorite would have to be President Snow, of course.

7. Who is your Favorite Character?
Cinna, but then you know well after his unfortunate demise I became a Finnick fan.   Then after Finnick gets eaten, well I decided it was best not to pick another favorite since apparently all my favorites tend to die.  Not just in this series, in almost everything I've read.  Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something.  I'm not sure.

8. What District would you live in?
Well being that I'm covered in tattoos and flesh mutilating silver appendages, and not to mention my lovely pink hair I'm pretty sure that my appearance makes me Capitol material.  So the Capitol.

9. What was the most emotional moment in the books for you?
I was actually pretty upset in Mockingjay when Prim ends up dying, thought I guess it was to be expected.  I can't say that I didn't see that coming.  Everything happened because Katniss was trying to prevent her demise, it guess it was only fitting for her to die in the end.

10. What item from home would you take into the Arena with you?
I have this ring that my boyfriend gave me that I never take off.  So I'd like to be able to bring that.

11. What was the most evil plan someone made in the books?
I think the games themselves are pretty evil.

12. What are you looking forward to the most in the film?
I'm really excited to see how they handle the arena itself.  I'm most excited to see all the makeups for the Capitol residents. 

And those are my answers, what are yours?  Are you as excited as I am to see The Hunger Games movie?  Oh Friday can't come any faster, seriously.

Until next time; May the odds be ever in your favor.

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