Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I post a lot about music.  Music is everything to me, without it (as cliched as it it) I probably would not be here.  So I thought It would be fun to go through my top played songs on iTunes and share some music videos with you.  You know so you can criticize the music I listen to blah, blah, blah.

My music tastes are pretty vast.  Sure I have the genres that I prefer to listen to but I do not pigeonhole myself into them.  I think that if you stick yourself into one or just a few genres of music you are really missing out on what the music world has to offer you.  Open your mind and listen to something out of your comfort zone; you just might be surprised at how much you end up enjoying it.

So let's get this show on the road shall we?  So here we go in no particular order some of the songs that I have been listening to way too much or as I like to call it: songs that you are most likely to be playing when you get into the car with me.

Heavens - Patent Pending

I have to say that Annabelle is my most played song off this album but that didn't have a music video and I said I wanted to stick with that (but I'm sure that rule will be forgotten a few videos from now.).  Heavens was/is the side projects of Alkaline Trio's Matt Skiba.  The project has since been scrapped but Heavens '06 release Patent Pending has earned its spot on my favorite album list.  It is just flawless and if you have yet to check it out you should do so.  What are you waiting for?  I said go buy it now! ^_^

The 69 Eyes - Lost Boys

The 69 Eyes have been one of my favorite bands since I was younger.  Jyrki's voice just, oh do I really even need to explain?  I didn't think so.  So I picked the song Lost Boys one, because it is about the movie The Lost Boys which is my favorite movie of all time and two, to help me transition better to another song on my list.  The 69 Eyes song that I play most is Feel Berlin; and it is my favorite song of theirs though I really enjoy all of them. I snuck down to Philly when Devils (the album which both tracks are off) was released and got myself into big trouble for it; but it was so worth it.  To this day that show remains one the best I have ever been to.

Gerard McMann - Cry Little Sister

Anyone who claims to be a fan of The Lost Boys but does not have this song on their iPod is full of it.  I love the crazy remix he did for the second movie as well though we all know the only movie worth watching in the now trilogy is the original.

Wednesday 13 - I Love To Say  Fuck

This song was my anthem for a really long time.  Still is my favorite song to blast really loud when I'm driving in my car and sing along with at the top of lungs.  I just really love Wednesday in general, I have seen them/him live so many times and I just love the show the man puts on.  & if you don't, well I could really give a--fuck.

The Creepshow - Take My Hand

Sarah just recently announced that she is leaving The Creepshow and my heart broke.  I'm just glad that I got to see them live before she left the band. 

Dope - Now or Never

Dope has been my favorite band since around the age of twelve and I still love them dearly. They were the band that was responsible for getting me into most of the music that I am listening to today, just from following ex-members around to their new bands.  Acey and Tripp both left for a little band called The Murderdolls, then Tripp when to Static-X and Acey started Trashlight Vision and then from seeing Wednesday and Dope I found out about new bands live.  Oh the good old days.  Can we go back there?  Well I can pretend to by listening to this cd (Life is my favorite Dope CD, btw) right?  Fuck it since they're my favorite here's Everything Sucks as well.  Most of all what really sucks is everything and all of us...

Cash Cash - Red Cup (I Fly Solo)

Look I broke my music video rule.  Well I made it pretty far down the list and to be fair I was honest about me breaking my own rule in the very beginning of this post, so yeah.  Anyway I love this song.  I listen to this baby when I get ready in the morning, when I go drinking, and I giggle to myself at the cleverness of it all.  Being that the red drink cups are called solo cups and yeah you got it right away? Well whatever.  Shake yer booties to this song; do it.

HIM - Wicked Game

Okay yeah, it's a Chris Isaaks cover; but I just can't get enough of this version and Ville's voice.  The end.  Just listen to HIM; do it.

Imogen Heap - Canvas

Imogen has been one of my all time favorite artists for years.  One of my favorite things in the world to do is to go out driving just as the sun is coming up (it's even better in the fog) and put on her music, smoke a pack of cigarettes, drink a giant cup of coffee and just drive off towards anywhere.  I highly recommend buying anything and everything she has ever done.

Marina and the Diamonds - Fear and Loathing

While we're visiting artists from the UK we have to stop at Marina.  Anyone who has been around me recently knows that I am currently obsessed with her.  I am particularly obsessed with this song; it just speaks to me in so many ways like good music should.  I know a light will burn on when they blow me out...

Kill Hannah - Kennedy

Oh Kill Hannah; you have introduced me to some of my favorite people that I have in my life.  I still listen to you daily.  This song makes me dance like a fool.  If I could be a Kennedy...

The Birthday Massacre - Midnight

Words can not express how much I love The Birthday Massacre.  Their live shows are phenomenal and they are pretty much the most awesome people ever (I got to meet them :D).  They have a new album coming out in the fall and I just can't wait to hear it!  Seriously, I'm on the edge of my seat.

Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals

Mechanical Animals is my favorite CD of all time.  To me there is just not a bad song on that CD and the album at the time when I first purchased it just really lumped up everything I was going through into one plastic package.  It really changed my life and helped me through a lot of things.  I have never connected to an album as much as I did this one and I don't know if I ever will find another Mechanical Animals, but hey you never know.

Falling in Reverse - Good Girls Bad Guys

This song is always one I go to, and this video is fucking hilarious.  I am so happy to see you back in action Ronnie Radke.

Of Mice and Men - Let Live

This is actually the number one song on my iTunes toped played. I'm not going to gush more about how much I love Of Mice & Men and Austin Carlile cause I know yer all sick of it already.  So umm go pick up The Flood Re-Issue? (I have mine. I actually went to the store to buy the physical CD. True story.)  ^_^

Calabrese - Vampire's Don't Exist

If you have not heard of this fantastic band made up of the lovely and talented Calabrese brothers I just do not know if we can be friends.  I mean you do know that they are my favorite band right?  And that they are almost always playing in my car?  And that they have the best merch? Go and check them out and buy all of their CDs.  No seriously they do not have a bad one.

Sneaker Pimps - Sick

This is my favorite song.  Why?  I can't really explain it.  Just know that it is; I mean I fucking love the Sneaker Pimps.  My twitter handle is spinspinSUGAR, I mean it does come from their song of the same title.  So matter how many times I listen to this song I just never get sick of it.

& there you have it my lovelies; the top songs that I've been listening to at the moment.  Rock out boils and ghouls.  Rock out.

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