Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So PureVolume is having a contest, where you can win signed doodles drawn by a band you have a thing for.  Today you can win Falling in Reverse's spiderman doodle if they really like the doodle you drew of their band.  I drew one.  I tweeted it to PureVolume to enter it.  It looks like this:

In other news I am super in love with the new Cash Cash song.  It sounds like this:

I also think I found a job.  My face is like this: :D  True story.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I vlog sometimes.  True story.  I also really fucking like mac and cheese.  I could live off that shit.  In other news I have developed quite the instagram (@klydedevine) problem.  That is all.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I post a lot about music.  Music is everything to me, without it (as cliched as it it) I probably would not be here.  So I thought It would be fun to go through my top played songs on iTunes and share some music videos with you.  You know so you can criticize the music I listen to blah, blah, blah.

My music tastes are pretty vast.  Sure I have the genres that I prefer to listen to but I do not pigeonhole myself into them.  I think that if you stick yourself into one or just a few genres of music you are really missing out on what the music world has to offer you.  Open your mind and listen to something out of your comfort zone; you just might be surprised at how much you end up enjoying it.

So let's get this show on the road shall we?  So here we go in no particular order some of the songs that I have been listening to way too much or as I like to call it: songs that you are most likely to be playing when you get into the car with me.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I forgot to post this awhile ago.  This has been sitting on my desk finished for a while; well, I was debating on adding more to it but the more I let it sit the more I considered it fine the way it was.  So I finally got around to uploading it to my deviantART and I thought I would share it here as well.

With that I also thought I'd share with you the song I haven't been able to get out of my head for the past two weeks since it was released.  I am obsessed with Marina and the Diamonds.  I mean just listen to her, and try to tell me that you do not love her too. Oh, Marina. <3

Onto another topic I signed into my myspace for the first time in like years.  Does anyone remember that shit?  God I kind of hate myself for saying this but I miss myspace.  It was and still is so much better than Facebook.  I held out over there for as long as I could until I eventually broke down and got my Facebook but I think we should start a movement where everyone moves back to the space.  I think that would be pretty fucking rad.  It was just so much more customizable and fun and I feel like my profile over there even though I haven't updated it in years really gives the feel for who I am more than stupid Facebook and it's cover picture feature, lame.  Anyway I was looking at some old ass pictures I had up there and I thought I would share a few.  I was so adorable back then; what the fuck happened? And look at how big I used to wear my hair.  I have to say I do miss that though.  This picture is circa June '08 so I was like, 19, or limbo age as I like to call it.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Of Mice & Men has been the soundtrack of my week so far.  I mean I did get to see them Wednesday at Warped Tour (they were fucking awesome by the way) and that was pretty sweet so I decided that I would draw the amazingly handsome front of the band, Austin Carlile.  [swoons]

Anyway, moving onward.  I have not filmed my drawing in awhile so I figured I would for this drawing.  I really wanted to for the new kittencorn that I did but I was halfway through with that project when I remembered that I wanted to film it.  I'm getting old, and my brain just isn't what it used to be anymore.  I know what you're thinking; Klyde you're only 23 that is so not old!  Well shut yer trap because I feel old as fuck.  True story.

I am still getting used to iMovie, and I was way too lazy to hook up the old Frankenstein computer with my other editing software on it.  I think that it is time to finally teach myself how to use the adobe editing software that I have; I am just really unmotivated to do anything at the moment.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I do not watch a lot of TV these days. Mostly because I don’t get any good channels down here except for Disney, and recently not at all because the cable jawn came out of my TV about a month ago as I was hooking up the VCR to watch old Disney movies. Needless to say I’ve been too lazy to hook it back up. So then I have to go upstairs and I just can’t be bothered. Because of this I watch a lot of web video and web shows, though arguably I feel that most media is going to head this way. Anyway, I thought I would share with you a little bit about what I’m watching and my favorite web-series and other YouTube favorites of the moment.