Monday, December 31, 2012


So it's New Years Eve and I'm just happily sitting around at home, I have work super early tomorrow so I'm having a one woman party.  I have my Stoli-O and my 7 and I'm ready to party.  Now any successful one woman party needs a fantastical one woman dance party play list, and I happen to have one of those.  So I thought I would share it with all of you.

1. Head Automatica - The Razor
Your body's a weapon and you should let it out and shake that thing and jump up and down and scream this song at the top of your lungs, because that's what I do. ^_^

Thursday, December 20, 2012


No great artist ever sees things as they really are.  If he did, he would cease to be an artist. 
-Oscar Wilde

One day I'll make the jump from starving artist, to comfortably living artist.  That would be super rad.  True story.

In other news I think my contact and my right eye had a fight--my eye lost.  I'm about ready to take a spoon and fish the damn thing out.

My cat is being a brat.  I'm going back to bed.


Monday, December 17, 2012


Today's piece was inspired by my dear friend Aesop and his wonderful fables.  This one by a tale titled The Scorpion and the Frog.  It goes like this: [*takes out book of Aesop's Fables**Flips through pages**Finds aforementioned story**Copies From Book*]

A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
says, "Because if I do, I will die too."

The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."

What is true about the scorpion in this story is true about the nature of most people, some behaviors are simply irrepressible despite how you are treated and no matter the consequence.  You see this almost daily.

This tale and it's relevance pertaining to certain aspects of my life was on my mind this morning and I just felt like it needed to be illustrated, and then blogged about.  I've been slipping on my blogging but I've been rather proud of my self this year; I've blogged almost every month!  ^_^

Side Note:  I'm extremely arachnophobic, so while I was looking up references for the scorpion tale, etc, I found myself squirming and twitching in my seat on more than one occasion.  Just thought I'd share.

Side Note 2:  I've also been listening to the following song a lot lately.  It reminds me of my Dad, because he and my mom used to play this CD a lot when I was a kid.  True story, apparently this is one of the first songs my cute adorable infant self used to dance to.  I still can't help but shake my butt when I hear it.  & you're welcome. ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Don't worry blog type boils and ghouls I have not forgotten about you.  I have just been busy failing at NaNoWriMo (for the third year in a row) and just busy failing at life in general.  But I thought I'd share a doodlejawn I was working on last night with all of you, and a quick coloring video.  My camera died half way through it but meh.  Like I said uber fail at life over here.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


To all of you who watched this piece take like and thought that I was going to be keeping it innocently sweet; don't you know me at all?

Here’s my finished Bloody Beauty and Beast.  I think it game out rather good, actually.  I messed it a bit sure, but hey; I’m not a Disney animator nor do I claim to be.  This piece is done in marker and inks, for more information visit my deviantART.

I was feeling a bit nostalgic the other day, and I started this piece while watching Are You Afraid of the Dark? and I was like hey, let's draw Belle and Beast.  Why?  I'm not really sure.  I had been wanted to do something with them for a while for no reason at all really.  So I started drawing and since it's October I thought it fitting to bloody them up a bit.  I think they're cuter this way.

Speaking of Are You Afraid of the Dark? iTunes currently has some of the seasons that they are offering on sale for around $6; which is less than a dollar an episode.  Each package has 7 of them.  So I was sure to swipe them all.  This was my favorite Nickelodeon show when I was a kid.  They need to have more shows like it back on the air, or re-run them since it is Halloween season and the perfect time for it to be in re-syndication.

I miss Salute Your Shorts (which is also on iTunes currently), Legends of the Hidden Temple, Rugrats, AHHHH! Real Monsters, Ren and Stimpy, Clarissa Explains it All; kids today really have no idea what good TV is.

Since this is somewhat and art blog and since there's an episode of Are You Afraid of The Dark? revolving around an unfinished painting; I found hunted the episode down on youtube for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy, because after all you never know when inspiration is going to come. ;]

Saturday, October 20, 2012


I have never been one to consider myself a gamer.  I enjoy games, though I am not very good at them.  We have always been big tabletop game players in my family.  It started when I was younger.  I have fond memories of my Nanny teaching me how to play poker for pennies, my grandfather teaching me how to be a card shark, and my uncle was always a big 21 guy.  We would play a lot of Trivial Pursuit and other games of the like (my mother’s way of trying to make learning fun or just sneak learning into fun time), but my favorite was always Pictionary.  Surprise, surprise. 

Over the years I have branched out from board and card games and got into the more electronic side of gaming.  Hey, I love playing Left 4 Dead and shooting zombies and chopping off zombies heads as a chainsaw wielding cheerleader in Lollipop Chainsaw (I really like zombies), and I recently thoroughly enjoyed throwing myself back into the twisted wonderland of Alice Madness Returns and the steampunk aristocracy of Dishonored.  I happen to be a terrible video gamer though.  I get overly excited and before I know it my character is looking the complete opposite way of that in which it is moving.  I’m a fail.  Though I do enjoy the time I get to spend with my brother as I play and jump a bit into his world.

Tabletop games, however, will always be my favorite.  Halloween is around the corner and there are so many great tabletop games that you can play that help you get into the Halloween spirit.  You can try to survive the zombie apocalypse in Last Night on Earth, or even try to cure a disease epidemic in Pandemic!  My favorite and probably one of the darker games is Gloom (I know I have talked about this game before but I’m doing it again damn it).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So let us take a minuet to story tell for a moment.  Saturday, some dickhead snuck into the backroom at my store and stole my phone and all of $4 that I had in my wallet, and my co-workers phone as well.  Apparently there is a phone stealing ring operating at the mall that I work at, because when I went to the AT&T booth in the food court to turn off my phone after I realized that it was gone they had told me that just the week before two girls had gotten their phones stollen as well.  Another mall employee came into the store later that day and told us that her phone was stolen too.

So apparently when I got my phone they fucked up my whole insurance thing.  Instead of giving me the Apple care and the regular insurance like I wanted they just gave me the Apple Care.  So after I was on the phone with customer service for like ever I finally got them to push my upgrade, but my phone won't even be shipping out for another 2 weeks.  They told me to get get a cheap burner phone and they'd put my number on a sim card and I could just use that until my phone comes in, that they would have it sent to them because basically I live at the mall and it would just make my life a bit easier.  So long story short the freaking simjawn isn't working and I've been too upset/fustrated to go and fix it.  I don't like not having a phone, it's just I'm too depressed over everything that's happened and just unmotivated to get this crap phone set up.


So if you need to contact me, social media is the way to go.  I promise to let you know when I have my phone back.

I just feel so violated.  I need to get out of the mall.  Anyone know anyplace looking for a cute pink haired bartender?  I'm a great bartender and I'm TIPS certified.  True story.

I started this piece awhile back and I had been staring at it's unfinished form for a few weeks. Today was the day I decided that I was going to finish this gem. I figured focusing on art would help to keep my mind off of the other things that are plaguing me at the moment.

I have a bad boy complex, and I have always loved Loki. I always tend to route for the bad guy. Someone has to, right? #teamvoldemort

Song of the moment:

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Also, Cash Cash released their new EP.  It's pretty fantastic & I am currently in love with this song.  You should give it a listen.  True story.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello boils and ghouls.  How's it hanging?  A little to the right?  To the left?

So I have been getting a lot of questions about my art and if I am selling any of it.  The answer is yes, I am willing to part with almost all of the pieces that I have posted up here/on my deviant art.  Even the few that I am resistant to part with I'm sure under the right circumstances I'd be willing to part with it.

Pricing varies on piece to piece depending on the time I put into the work, the size, the materials used, framing (when I frame I usually customize the frame to go along with the feel of the piece but you have the option of getting it unframed for less), and shipping costs and everything is negotiable.  I price extremely reasonably.  Keep in mind I am selling the original pieces.  I do not have prints of anything so you are getting my blood sweat and tears.  This also ensures that you have a completely one of a kind piece that you'll never see hanging in anyone else's home! ^_^

Prints are an idea that I have thought about recently, and might be something I'll offer in the future but I just don't have money for that at this time.

Want to commission me?  I'm more than happy to draw you up something to your specifications.  So let's talk about what I can do for you! 

You can check out some of my work and some of my other previous commissions over at my deviantART:

If you like what you see and want to talk art then shoot an email over to

Sunday, August 26, 2012


My friends are pretty rad.  My friend Paul told me the other night that I smell like a unicorn that listens to Black Flag.  That statement inspired this drawing.  True story.

You can check out the video of myself coloring this piece down below.  Enjoy! ^_^

Also I have been getting a lot of questions about the products I use to draw.  I am going to write a blog about my favorite brands and things soon.  So keep and eye out for that! :D

Also!  I was in my friends band's music video.  You can check out their facebook page here and watch the video down below!  Can you find my pink hair? ;]

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have been meaning to draw for awhile, but I have just been really uninspired.  Then I turned on the new Purity Ring album, started drawing and filming, and this is what came out.  I kind of like it.  Be sure to check this drawing out over at my deviantART and check out the video I made of the drawing process down below.  I love you boils and ghouls. <3

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So PureVolume is having a contest, where you can win signed doodles drawn by a band you have a thing for.  Today you can win Falling in Reverse's spiderman doodle if they really like the doodle you drew of their band.  I drew one.  I tweeted it to PureVolume to enter it.  It looks like this:

In other news I am super in love with the new Cash Cash song.  It sounds like this:

I also think I found a job.  My face is like this: :D  True story.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I vlog sometimes.  True story.  I also really fucking like mac and cheese.  I could live off that shit.  In other news I have developed quite the instagram (@klydedevine) problem.  That is all.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I post a lot about music.  Music is everything to me, without it (as cliched as it it) I probably would not be here.  So I thought It would be fun to go through my top played songs on iTunes and share some music videos with you.  You know so you can criticize the music I listen to blah, blah, blah.

My music tastes are pretty vast.  Sure I have the genres that I prefer to listen to but I do not pigeonhole myself into them.  I think that if you stick yourself into one or just a few genres of music you are really missing out on what the music world has to offer you.  Open your mind and listen to something out of your comfort zone; you just might be surprised at how much you end up enjoying it.

So let's get this show on the road shall we?  So here we go in no particular order some of the songs that I have been listening to way too much or as I like to call it: songs that you are most likely to be playing when you get into the car with me.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I forgot to post this awhile ago.  This has been sitting on my desk finished for a while; well, I was debating on adding more to it but the more I let it sit the more I considered it fine the way it was.  So I finally got around to uploading it to my deviantART and I thought I would share it here as well.

With that I also thought I'd share with you the song I haven't been able to get out of my head for the past two weeks since it was released.  I am obsessed with Marina and the Diamonds.  I mean just listen to her, and try to tell me that you do not love her too. Oh, Marina. <3

Onto another topic I signed into my myspace for the first time in like years.  Does anyone remember that shit?  God I kind of hate myself for saying this but I miss myspace.  It was and still is so much better than Facebook.  I held out over there for as long as I could until I eventually broke down and got my Facebook but I think we should start a movement where everyone moves back to the space.  I think that would be pretty fucking rad.  It was just so much more customizable and fun and I feel like my profile over there even though I haven't updated it in years really gives the feel for who I am more than stupid Facebook and it's cover picture feature, lame.  Anyway I was looking at some old ass pictures I had up there and I thought I would share a few.  I was so adorable back then; what the fuck happened? And look at how big I used to wear my hair.  I have to say I do miss that though.  This picture is circa June '08 so I was like, 19, or limbo age as I like to call it.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Of Mice & Men has been the soundtrack of my week so far.  I mean I did get to see them Wednesday at Warped Tour (they were fucking awesome by the way) and that was pretty sweet so I decided that I would draw the amazingly handsome front of the band, Austin Carlile.  [swoons]

Anyway, moving onward.  I have not filmed my drawing in awhile so I figured I would for this drawing.  I really wanted to for the new kittencorn that I did but I was halfway through with that project when I remembered that I wanted to film it.  I'm getting old, and my brain just isn't what it used to be anymore.  I know what you're thinking; Klyde you're only 23 that is so not old!  Well shut yer trap because I feel old as fuck.  True story.

I am still getting used to iMovie, and I was way too lazy to hook up the old Frankenstein computer with my other editing software on it.  I think that it is time to finally teach myself how to use the adobe editing software that I have; I am just really unmotivated to do anything at the moment.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I do not watch a lot of TV these days. Mostly because I don’t get any good channels down here except for Disney, and recently not at all because the cable jawn came out of my TV about a month ago as I was hooking up the VCR to watch old Disney movies. Needless to say I’ve been too lazy to hook it back up. So then I have to go upstairs and I just can’t be bothered. Because of this I watch a lot of web video and web shows, though arguably I feel that most media is going to head this way. Anyway, I thought I would share with you a little bit about what I’m watching and my favorite web-series and other YouTube favorites of the moment. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


One year ago today, I lost the person who believed in me the most.  The one who never judged me by my hair color and even encouraged it (knowing that it pissed off my mom).  The one who told me to stay out of trouble and if I couldn’t not to get myself caught.  I lost my father.

Here we are a year later, and if anything it hurts even more than it did when he first passed.  I think I was too much in shock then, and was just so numb to it all.  I had a lot of other crazy things going on at the time and I just think I really never had my time to grieve then.  Part of me, I think, kept me from grieving because I knew he would not want me to.  I knew that he wouldn’t want my brother and I to stop our lives because of him, and I knew that he wasn’t suffering anymore.

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have of my dad.  I have it up on my mirror and I look up at it everyday.  This is how I like to remember him, not withered and sickly like he was when he died.  My dad always looked great and a good ten years younger than he was until he got sick; the ALS just ate him away.  I think that was one of the things that was the most frightening, watching my father turn into something I never thought I would see.

My dad lived a full life.  He always had the best stories, and there were so many still that he had left to tell me.  He taught me how to cook.  He taught me that it was okay to be myself, no matter who disapproved of how I chose to express myself.  He tried to teach me what he knew about cars and to play the guitar, but we both didn’t have enough patience.

We didn’t always get a long and there were times where we did not talk for a long while, but he was always there for me when I needed him most (like to save me when my mother was being crazy).  I will always be thankful for that, and I will never forget it.

I had a dream a while back that my dad was drinking on a cruise ship with my grandparents having a good ole time.  It was a nice dream.  Everyone I loved who had passed where there.  They all looked so young, and healthy.   My Nanny and Aunt Margret were making me run around with drinks and Baba was grilling, and my dad was drinking. (Well to be fair everyone was drinking; but everyone knows my dad liked to drink. So did my Nanny.)  They were all so happy, and I know that they all are happy now.

I wish you were here daddy.
I love you and miss you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I have been drawing a lot in color recently. Like wow I just vomited rainbows all over everything, color. I really don't know why. It's not like I happen to be in a sunshine mood, it's actually completely the opposite--I'm really quite miserable. Anyway, I was in a Beetlejuice type of mood and decided to draw Lydia. She's the cartoon version of course; oh how I loved that show when I was kid. Why don't they play it on TV anymore? *sigh* Moving on--I took some pictures while I was creating her so I decided that I would post them up here. I forgot to take a picture when she was just a sketch. I suck, sorry.

Friday, June 1, 2012


So I've recently decided to go back to school; and instead of typing out everything that's been on my mind I set up my camera.  This way you guys get to see my mug, fantastic pink hair and make fun of the way I talk (tawk).  To the video! ^_^

In other news; I really need to get back on the art train. I'll do that soon, I swear! Haha. Oh who am I kidding? Meh.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I have hit a cross road in my life.  Things are changing for me everyday and I’m not so sure if it’s all for the better yet.  I know that I just need to keep moving forward.

I know what I want to do in life, but part of me has always been afraid to go there, to try to do what my heart longs for most.  I have started to take a step into that direction though, and it’s a scary thing for me.  I started a music project with a friend of mine and I’m really excited to get that off the ground.  I’ve been working on lyrics and hooks and all that good stuff so hopefully we’ll get something going soon.  I’ve also been asked to collaborate on another music project so we’ll see how that goes as well.  Every night when I close my eyes I see myself up on that stage, maybe one day that dream will come true, because I’m making the effort now.

I’ve been working on my art too, getting my portfolio together for something exciting; it’s almost to where I want it to be.  I think I’m going to spend the next two days just drawing and building it up a bit more.  I still have a few pages to fill.

Then there are other things I just don’t feel like getting into just yet, but I’m sure it will come out eventually.

Today’s mother’s day.  We’re going out to the diner to eat later.  Nothing fancy or anything, I hope that we can get along for at least today.  I got her the tea infuser mug that she wanted to hopefully that keeps her in a good mood and my brother doesn’t do anything to piss her off either.

Wish me luck.  I think I need a drink…

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I'm too lazy to type, and I should be doing school work.  No actually I should be sleeping being that I have to be at the back doctor later and I need to be up in a few hours.  Yeah, oh insomnia my dear, dear friend.

Anyway I leave you with a video of me rambling about things that I was going to ramble about here, but then got to lazy to type.  Well that and I wanted to play with the camera on my iMac.  Oh I don't have any make-up or anything on so I apologize in advance for that.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So I have this unhealthy obsession with the late '90s television show, Daria. I own the complete series on DVD and I watch it almost daily.  I can't help myself.  This show was so before it's time, but I really wish that they would bring it back.  As long as they don't butcher it horribly I would watch it.  Hey, they brought back Beavis and Butt-Head; they didn't really screw that up and Daria is a spin off of that uh let's make this happen okay?

I also have a huge obsession with the Harry Potter franchise.  I recently got into Pottermore, did you?  Let's be friends! My username is: CharmProphecy22227. I suck at making potions and dueling and stuff so I stay away from that as to not jeopardize the few house points I already have.  Haha.  I got into my house, but I was so nervous that I wouldn't be.  However, I took the sorting hat quiz and my screen went all green and I was like, "Thank God!"  I've considered myself a Slytherin since I first read the first book back in '98; I would have had a serious identity crisis, if I was placed anywhere else.  I mean the only other house I could really see myself in would be Ravenclaw, since eat books.  I guess I wouldn't have minded if I was placed there but seriously, I'm a proud Slytherin.  True story.

Anyway I know you all are thinking, Hey Klyde, why did you start off talking about Daria and then jump into Potter?  Well because I decided to see what my lovely Harry Potter characters would look like in Daria styled illustration.  I've only drawn one so far, but I'm thinking of doing a series of them.  What do you think?

Any way here's what I think dear Voldy would look like if he was just hanging out in Lawndale.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I have pink hair.  I think most of you are aware of that by now.  Like my entire head is Hot, Hot, Pink.  Now there are a lot of pros and cons to having hot pink hair.  Let's start with the cons first.

  • Cons:  You stick out like a sore thumb.  Bleach kills your hair.  People find your obnoxiously bright hair a conversation starter and sometimes use it as an opening to be extremely perverse and obscene. I find that people I never would think would like my hair, give me compliments on it.  I'm always being asked how I get my hair this color.  People always think my hair is a wig and try to pull my hair out of my head.  Please stop, it really hurts my scalp. The dye gets everywhere.

  • Pros:  My mom hates it.  I stick out like a sore thumb.  I find myself in conversations I never thought I would.  I find that people I never would think would like my hair, give me compliments on it.  It makes me new friends.  It makes me happy.  It makes me feel like a real life Ramona Flowers, and I like that.  I enjoy the act of bleaching and dying my hair.  My mom hates it.

Now as I said before I get asked a lot about what kind of products I use when dying my hair.  So I'm going to tell you all here what I use and what not.  I'll also leave links to where you can buy the products as well.  I get all my supplies from Sally's, if you don't have a Sally's near you I'm sure your local beauty supply shop will carry these products or something similar to them.

Disclaimer:  I am NOT a professional cosmetologist.  I only went to to school for like 2 weeks before I decided that I could never do hair for a living.  I did rock the shit out of color theory.  I would have been a sick colorist.  Anyway, moving on... These are just the products that I find work best for me, they might not be the ones that work best for you.  Bleach kills your hair, blah, blah, blah.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Some days I find it easier to draw than others, and other days I find it rather quite impossible to create anything at all.  Recently though I've felt the urge to paint.  Something I haven't done in a long while.  I have found myself  rather happy just playing with my markers, but I recently find myself staring off at all the few pieces of Gesso and canvas boards I have lying around.  They seamed to be screaming at me, please play with us.  Well that and I finally got new Fixatif, which makes painting so much easier and I really just wanted to play with that.  That and I got this new transfer spray that I wanted to try out too, but I ended up not using that and just sticking to good ole transfer paper.  Anyway, so as I was saying... So I picked up a Gesso board, rid it of its plastic covering, placed it on my desk and then continued to just stare at it for a good long while.

What the hell was I going to paint?  Well I didn't know.  So I just sat there and stared for a good while.  Then I started just dicking around on the interwebz and then I found inspiration in this picture.

Okay so I know what yer thinking, a gas mask?  Really?  Well yes, really.  I've been busy playing, Alice: Madness Returns (I'll have to write another blog about that at another time) and I just love all the Steampunk elements in the game and I'm also just a huge fan of Steampunk in general.  So then I was like hey, How about we do something Alice related?  And so I did.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Being an artist is expensive.  When I say expensive I mean expensive, like draining your life savings in order to replace your favorite markers kind of expensive.  I myself just needed to replace a few things in my arsenal and ended up paying over $200.  Now I bought a lot of stuff, and say if I was to go into a crafting store I would have payed almost double that.   Maybe even triple.  My secret? Blick.  I also just found that they have a store not that far from my house! I'll be traveling there from now on.  Squee!

I bought a whole bunch of really neat things.  Like I bought a new grey marker sets, I had to replace my colored pencils since a bunch of them just decided to up and runaway, I also had to replace about twelve of my  colored Prismas.  I also bought a couple of new things to mess around with.  A new skin hue marker set so I can try out some marker portraits with those (I'm super excited about that) and I really, really love my grey Faber-Castell PITT pens, so I bought a colored set of those.  I really like the PITT pens because they're waterproof, and it's like of more like painting than using a marker.  The only downside is that they set extremely fast, almost immediately so if you work fast you can get them to smudge a bit.  When working with them or my Prisma markers I usually also use my colored pencils to aid with the blending, etc.

If you are an artist and have never visited this magical world of discounted art supplies do yourself a favor and do so.  Especially if you're a student, they have even more discounts available to you.

My shopping venture with them today was my first ever and I have to say I was supper satisfied with the sitemap, it was easy to navigate and find exactly what I was looking for and I'll  definitely be buying more things from this site in the future.  The only downfall of buying art supplies online is that you need to wait a little while for them to get to you, it's not like just going down to the store and leaving with it instantly. I just really hate going into stores like you know those two craft stores that everyone has to go to because they have the market cornered.  People are always just so rude to me when I'm in those places and nothing is really organized and I have to go all over the place looking for the things that I need.

In other news this helped to cheer me up some.  
/end nerdy art supply blog.

Monday, March 19, 2012


 Let's talk Hunger Games!

Two of the youtubers that I'm subscribed to game up with a Hunger Games tag.  I was going to make a video response but then I got lazy and decided that I would just answer the questions.  If you'd like to make a video response then you can check out the tag videos!

Here are the links for:  Part One & Part Two 

There are spoilers in my answers to these questions so if you haven't read the books then walk away now, if you don't give a flying fuck then continue on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012


Drawing, art, creation; that is what makes me happy.  It's also one of the only things I can do currently without being in excruciating pain, so I guess that's one good thing that's going for me right now.  My back/spine is in a 'C'.  It's pretty messed up.  I have to get an MRI on my back now, which makes me super nervous.  Meh.

Anyway new video, of this drawing being put together.   Check it out.  Like it, favorite it, subscribe to my channel.  You know all that good stuff.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I love to draw.  I really do.  It makes me happy.  It also makes me happy that my injuries currently do not affect my drawing too much.  I really would be even more out of my mind if I couldn't draw.  Anyway, did you know that I draw?  Oh no?  Well I do.  You should check out my deviantART.

You should also check out this video; it's a composite of the drawing above.  While you're there watching you should go on ahead and subscribe too!  You know you want to. ;]

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Oh weekends.  Really, I don't feel like I have weekends.  Sure the week ends, and Friday night comes around and what do I do?  Well normally I just sit at home and watch Dexter while stuffing my face with all sorts of junk food.  Since I can't walk or stand or do anything for more than ten minuets at a time and that's on a good day.  

What about this Friday? Well I ended up with my brother and his friend and I catch this gem on video.  Now what kind of sister would I be if I didn't put this on the internet?  Psshh, not a good one that's for sure.  Haha. [To be fair I did warn them that this was going to happen so meh.]

Oh I really need to get out, well if only I could walk around; then I could get out.  I guess I'm stuck in this chair until then.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


If you know me, chances are that you know how big of a Sims addict I am.  Seriously I have a problem, like I need a support group problem, it's horrible.  Since I've been injured and can't really move around I've recently rediscovered my love for a game that I have spent more time playing than doing anything else during this life time.

I started playing this game when the first generation came out and continued playing through all of the second and now currently the third.  I spend most of my time finding custom content and mods for my game because as much fun as the game is it's just so much better when you cheat.  Haha. ;]

My favorite thing to do with my Sims?  Well kill them of course.  Isn't that everybody's?

Recently I stated murdering them again when I downloaded a mod that let's me murder them, and let's them shoot themselves in the head, which is pretty sweet if you ask me.  I've also been spending a lot of time watching user made video content on YouTube.   Some are just so beautifully done they put me in awe, and well others, well you know.  So I have decided to share with you my horrible attempt at a video.  Let me introduce you to what I call Sims' Theater.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


            I remember exactly what the sky looked like when I arrived at Butler hospital.  I remember exactly how the air smelt, and I remember exactly how I felt.  I remember the nauseous feeling and the churning in my stomach.  I remember how I felt that I shouldn't be here, that something was off about this place.  I, however, had no choice in whether I was going to stay or go.

            I remember exactly how the restraints felt against my skin.  I remember the burning sensation it caused when I fought so desperately to break free of them.  I remember how terrified I was of the two men who gripped my arms too tight as they dragged me through the large building's front doors and up to the nurses' desk.

"We have a live one for you," the one on the right spoke out with a smirk upon his perfectly chiseled face as he playfully leaned up against the desk to flirt with the pretty nurse who sat behind it.

"A live one, eh?"  She replied with a pretty smile.  She seemed unfazed by the man's shameless flirting.  Her eyes shifted their focus from the godlike man in front of her to me, the scrawny little girl from the island that no one has ever heard of.  "How old are you, sweetie?"  She asked, her smile seemingly stretching even further across her face.

            I however did not hear her question.  My focus had been on something, on the mirror on the wall behind the pretty girl.  Within I stared back at my own reflection, studying every feature, and watching every movement of every muscle in my face.  I then diverted my gaze to study the men that had brought me here, to this hospital; to this asylum.  The faces that looked back at me in the mirror were not of those to my left and my right.  Though I knew very well that the man on my right was devoting all of his attention to the pretty girl in front of me his reflection was devoting all of its attention to me.  What I saw in that mirror chilled me to the bone.  It was the eyes, for there were none.  Only darkened eye sockets where the eyes should have been were staring back at me from the mirror.  I kept trying to assure myself that I was seeing things.  That it was the stress of loosing my parents making me see things that weren't there.  I kept wishing that it was just the stress.  It was only when my eyes met a pair of cold, dark, familiar black eyes that I tore my gaze from the mirror and back to the pretty woman behind the desk.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


See the completed image at my deviantART here.

Cristina is one of my favorite vocalists, being a vocalist myself I get my voice compared to hers a lot actually.  I consider that a great compliment, being that her voice is amazing.

Seeing that the new Lacuna Coil album is being release on Tuesday I thought it would be fitting to do a drawing of this lovely lady.  I hope you enjoy! ^_^

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Some of you may or may not know this about me, but I write.  I write a lot.  For the past two years I've participated in a program called NaNoWriMO and for the past two years I've failed miserably.  I always start off strong and way ahead and then that little thing called life catches up with me and I forget about my novel.  This past year I did end up writing more than I did the year before, so I considered that a win. Hopefully this year  I'll write more than I did last year and maybe in a few years I'll reach the 50,000 word goal.

Anyway I decided to post the first chapters of the novels I started over at my Fiction Press.  Last year's story was entitled Polished Glass and the previous year's was called Sometimes Bad Dreams Can Be Really Good For You.  Both are horror/suspense stories and I'm really happy with the one I attempted this past November. I'm going to post up the rest of what I have written for those two stories up there when I have time, but for now I though it might interest you.

I've always wanted to write a book, maybe I'll finish one before I die.  Oh! & Their cover art too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


So let us talk about my newest time occupying obsession, Tiny Tower.  I downloaded this game yesterday after hearing much about it and now I can't stop playing.  In one day I've made my tower grow to 16 floors [I've almost got enough coins to start my seventeenth, I'm just waiting for the right coin cushion you know.] and I can't stop playing.

For example, today I had physical therapy [I've had knee surgery you know] and when I should have been getting ready all I could do was play Tiny Tower; and now I'm playing Tiny Tower while blogging about Tiny Tower.   Do you see the problem here? Oh! My bowling alley is ready to be restocked! ^_^

Want to see my Tiny Tower?  Of course you do!

I really don't know why I'm so addicted to this game, really I shouldn't be; really no one should but I just can't help myself.  It reminds me a lot of a game I used to play with my brother back when PlayStation1 was  new I would play this game called Top Shop and it was pretty much just like this, though more like monopoly but it was the same basic premise.  Your game board is a mall and you go around opening stores and such.  I was addicted to that as well.

Well enough rambling from me, I'm back to playing Tiny Tower. ^_^

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Anyone who knows me knows that I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns of the purple variety.   I have purple unicorn pillow pets [the big and mini one], key chains, blankets, etc.  It's really sick actually.  My best friend and I even started a Facebook fan page for purple unicorns [which you should go and like. You can check it out here. ^_^].  Though it may be extremely unhealthy it makes me extremely happy.  So I could care less.

So bring on the purple unicorns!  Oh, and rainbows too! ;]

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There is something about creating that sparks something within.

"A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament."

~Oscar Wilde